Custom Built Apps ltd

Custom Built Apps is a small company of dedicated software professionals providing a multitude of custom built solutions for your business. The common denominator is absence of any license fees for the products installed.

Big Data technologies: Hadoop 3.2.1,Hive 3,Spark 3. Sqoop for importing data from Oracle. Spark jdbc for import/export to JDBC enabled RDBMS.Creating Oozie bundles, coordinators and workflows for data pipelines.Managing clusters using standard interfaces and Cloudera Server Manager.

Over decade experience in managing RDBMS(Oracle,IBM DB2,Informix,PostgreSQL).

Customers in Ontario Provincial Government,Banking , Insurance and small businesses

Located in Stoufville, Ontario,Canada
Affiliated in Stirling,Scotland, United Kingdom
Contact info:
+1 289 301-9977+44 7488 705 113
+1 416 540-7463+44 7397 146 511