Custom Built Apps ltd
Custom Built Apps is a small company of dedicated software professionals providing a multitude of custom built solutions for your business. The common denominator is absence of any license fees for the products installed.
- Installing and configuring a Hadoop Cluster at the client site as per outlined requirements and documenting it to accomodate for future expansion. The hardware and software configuration.The cluster will be running on Centos OS, Hadoop 3.2.1, Spark 3,Hive 3. All the installed products and OS are license free and no service fee needed.
- Installing and configuring PostgreSQL - a robust and free client server RDBMS
- Creating Big Data Spark applications in Java,Scala and Python for SQL, Hive SQL and Hadoop access
- Migration to Big Data platform with free licence from your Proprietory Database
- Migration to Big Data platform with free licence by scanning your paper documentation
- Setting up Confluence, JIRA and Bitbucket for up to 5 users
- DataWarehouse Migration Projects tailored to your budget
- Coding your applications in C++,Java,Scala for Linux
- Creating applicatons for small business with web based clients,and back end running on Linux, thus avoiding any license fees
- Digitizing your documentation and storing it in your data warehouse, tailored for your business inteligence analysis
- Creating applications running on Apache webserver and Apache Tomcat web server, creating Java server pages, Java servlets and cgi programs in shell,C ,Python and C++
- Workflow framework written in C++ to run data pipeline of Big Data jobs using Spark (Scala, Java) and network copy(distcp)
- Creating a Tomcat based manager for your Hadoop cluster.
- Android apps to be used on your tablet and phone with the backend of webservices deployed at the Custom-Built-Apps servers
Big Data technologies: Hadoop 3.2.1,Hive 3,Spark 3. Sqoop for importing data from Oracle. Spark jdbc for import/export to JDBC enabled RDBMS.Creating Oozie bundles, coordinators and workflows for data pipelines.Managing clusters using standard interfaces and Cloudera Server Manager.
Over decade experience in managing RDBMS(Oracle,IBM DB2,Informix,PostgreSQL).
Customers in Ontario Provincial Government,Banking , Insurance and small businesses
Located in Stoufville, Ontario,Canada
Affiliated in Stirling,Scotland, United Kingdom
Contact info:
CANADA | Scotland |
+1 289 301-9977 | +44 7488 705 113 |
+1 416 540-7463 | +44 7397 146 511 |