cbaWorkflow : Installing Git and Bitbucket

Installation of Bitbucket needs a set of prerequisites satisfied:

  1. git version 2+
  2. External Database - PostgreSQL 9.6+

Default version of git shipped with Red Hat 7 or Centos 7  is 1.8.x .  It needs to be removed and version 2 installed:

    git --version

   git version 1.8.73


install the endpoint repository:

yum -y install
install git:
yum install git

git --version

git version 2.24.1

RHEL 7 – a bit of a roundabout way
  1. yum remove git*
  2. wget
  3. ls *.rpm
  4. yum install epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  5. yum -y install
  6. yum repolist
  7. yum install git2u-all
  8. git --version
    git version 2.16.6

PostgreSQL installation is described at Installation of PostrgreSQL 10.12 on Red Hat 7
