Space Details:
Created by
admin (Nov 02, 2020)
Available Pages:
cbaWorkflow application
Custom Built App Workflow Development
cbaUtils library
cbaWorkflow.ini file
cbaWorkflow logical design
connection.ini file
Data governance
Repository Connector
Workflow monitor
workflow shared memory
Creating workflow framework
Applications updating node execution map
cbaNodeWalker - scripts cadence reverse engineering
cbaWorkflow implementation
cbaWorkflow repository structure
design and implementation for node levels start
Shared memory segments
Visual representation of the workflow using cbaGraph
Packaging and installation of cbaWorkflow
Installation of cbaWorkflow
Packaging cbaWorkflow
Snippets of code used in proof of concept
Creating a python application to send email from Oozie
Multithreading in Spark
shared memory in boost
Tomcat development
Creating CGI application for Tomcat
Generating Tomcat servlets using maven and deploying them
Tomcat testing servlet retrieving data from PostgreSQL
Webservice development
Development environment setup
Azure storage C++ SDK installation
graphviz installation
Installing and configuring maven
Installing Git and Bitbucket
Installing GNU 5.4 compiler
MariaDB installation
Nexus Installation and configuration
Postgresql server installation and configuration
Python 3.9 installation
Scala 2.13.4 installation
Setting up Apache Tomcat 9.0.34 on Centos 7
Sqlite installation
Hadoop cluster hardware setup
Adding a hard drive
Adding bonding for multiple network adapters
creating bootable usb flash drive
Setting up express vpn client
Hadoop cluster software setup
Hadoop installation
HIVE installation
Oozie installation
Operating system installation
SPARK installation
Quality Assurance of cbaWorkflow
Generating data for the workflow testing
Testing cbaGraph
Testing cbaUtils library
testing cbaWFMonitor
Testing cbaWorkflow
Testing cbaWorkflowNode