cbaWorkflow : Visual representation of the workflow using cbaGraph


This page is tracking the design and development of the visual representation of the worklflow using cbaGraph.

cbaGraph is a C++ library encapsulating cgraph and graphviz C libraries(,

graphviz version is   2.30.1 (20201013.1554)

cbaGraph is using the rendering plugin for png -

The library is used by a CGI Tomcat C++ application, which is picking the information about the nodes, their adjacency list and execution status from the  repository, either in PostgreSQL, MariaDB,Sqlite3.

The information is used to generate a graph and then rendered as a png (Portable Network Graphic) file

CGI Tomcat application

C++ application running as CGI in Tomcat container generates a web page using the png representation of the resultant graph.


cbaGraph is a C++ class shipped in the library.

it is compiled with the following dependencies:

CC=c++ ${DEBUG} -std=c++17 -lrt -lpthread
INCLUDES=-I${INCLUDE_DIR} -I${BOOST_INCLUDES} -I/usr/include/graphviz -I/usr/include
LIBS=-L/usr/lib64/graphviz -lgvc -L/usr/lib64 -lcgraph

the methods are outlined in the UML

sample of the png generated from repository


nodeCadenceApp.png (image/png)
cbaGraph.png (image/png)
nodeCadenceApp.png (image/png)
cbaGraph.png (image/png)
cbaGraph.png (image/png)
workflow.png (image/png)
image2020-12-24_20-25-37.png (image/png)
nodeCadenceApp.png (image/png)