General description

Workflow will obtain the description of the nodes from a repository (postgreSQL database) and will instantiate node objects.

Workflow will start a set of nodes which will execute themselves

workflow will obtain the dependencies of the current run  from repository and pass the dependency to every node it creates.

the nodes will know what they depend on by storing a vector of node ids they depend on

the nodes will know how to execute themselves

the nodes will have a method which will run the execution when the dependencies have completed, or sleep if they have not

the nodes will update a map in shared memory with their progress

the nodes will check  a shared memory map whether the nodes they depend on have completed execution

workflow will keep the list of the allocated node objects and delete them after their job is completed

workflow will rerun the node which failed execution

workflow will monitor the progress of the execution and asynchronously update the database with the information on start  time, end time and progress

cbaWorkflow framework is implemented using C++. Compiled using gCC 5.04, std=C++17, boost headers and libraries version 1.72

its components rely on connectivity libraries for Repository connection.



Repository database - sqlite3, or MariaDB, or PostgreSQL

repository stores  the following information:

nodes types information in table node_types 

nodes , their type, execution parameters in the table nodes

hierarchical dependencies information about node dependencies in the table adjacency_lists (nodeFrom, nodeTo)

information about the current execution status in the table nodes_execution_status (node_id, execution_status)

information about the current execution timing in the table nodes_execution_stats(node_id,start_time,complete_time)

information about execution schedule in chrontab format for the nodes executed on specific days of week or month (node_id, scheduled_days)


is used to retrieve data from repository(RDBMS like PostgreSQL, Squilte3, MariaDB)

the application is linked with and loads dynamically cbaWFRepositoryConnector derived classes, which are implemented in the respective shared libraries.

Connectivity libraries have to be installed on the host:

C library - to retrieve data from PostgreSQL

C - to retrieve data from sqlite3(possibly it could be incorporated into the Connector)

C - to retrieve data from mariaDB

Tomcat application server

servlets functionality:

adding nodes and dependencies for the small to medium sized pipelines

present reports of execution timings

present execution graph and nodes states using graphviz librarires and cbaGraph class in - calling the graphviz libraries to generate a graph of execution. The data for the nodes are retrieved from the nodes table in repository, the dependencies are retrieved from the adjacency_lists table in repository

Connectivity: JDBC drivers need to be installed for repository connection

Shared memory

boost_managed_memory, boost_interprocess - to keep the execution status in the shared memory and named semaphores to synchronize the access to shared memory

Helper applications

cbaNodeWalker - reverse engineering a set of hql/sql scripts to obtain information on the nodes(a script) and execution dependency(stored in adjacency_lists table in repository as nodeFrom→nodeTo format).

shmcreate - creates a shared memory segment from a file of adjacency_lists – used for testing purposes primarily

shmview - shows the nodes execution states in the map in shared memory -used for establishing the current execution status, as repository information is lagging

shmupdate - updates the node execution status - a use case: a node execution fails. The node task is executed outside of the framework (by running hql, dropping the table etc). To continue execution the node status needs to be set to 4(completed) or 3(skipped)


workflow framework will call the applications written in different languages and get the result codes of execution and logs parsing.

the cbaWorkflowNode is the base class for all the node types and derived classes may be created in separate libraries and loaded dynamically by cbaWorkflow based on the node_types table descriptsion of node and shared object.

every cbaWorkflow node know how to execute itself.

the following nodes are available currently

cbaSparkSubmitNode: scala/java generated jars for spark-submit (possible, but not tested use is pyspark scripts)

cbaSparkSqlNode  spark sql scripts for spark-sql executable(Spark 3)

cbaHiveNode - hql scripts executed in hive

cbaShellNode - any command executed using a shell interpreter, including hadoop ones

cbaHdfsNode - hdfs based commands

Neo4j use is being investigated to generate a dependency graph, which could be exported as Cypher query to get a complex list of dependencies. 


cbaWorkflow.png (image/png)
cbaWorkflow.png (image/png)
cbaWorkflow.png (image/png)
cbaWorkflow.png (image/png)
cbaWorkflow.png (image/png)