Installation of Nexus
1.Download nexus from
2.create user nexus, group nexus and make him the owner of the tar
3. unarchive nexus into the /app
[nexus@r01edge app] tar xzvf nexus-3.22.0-02-unix.tar.gz
Rename the directory to nexus
[nexus@r01edge app] mv nexus-3.22.0-02-unix nexus
[nexus@r01edge app] cd nexus
[nexus@r01edge nexus] cd bin
Start nexus
[nexus@r01edge bin]$ ./nexus start
..Starting nexus
[nexus@r01edge log]$ tail -f /app/sonatype-work/nexus3/log/nexus.log
Login into the Repository manager at port 8081 as admin/admin123
Create proxy for maven-central clicking on Settings cogwheel, Repositories
Make the repository a proxy for Maven central:
Create a role "developer":
Grant nx-all and nx-component-upload to developer, you will figure out later how to fine grain the permissions
Create a user dataexplorer1 and grant a "developer" role to it:
communicating with Nexus using REST API (components and assets)
List components:
curl -u admin:pAsSwordHeRe -X GET ''
curl -u admin:pAsSwordHeRe -X GET ''
curl -u admin:pAsSwordHeRe -X GET ''
"items" : [ {
"repository" : "maven-releases",
"format" : "maven2",
"group" : "",
"name" : "cbaSpark",
"version" : "1.0.1",
"assets" : [ {
"downloadUrl" : "",
"path" : "com/cba/spark/cbaSpark/1.0.1/cbaSpark-1.0.1.jar",
"repository" : "maven-releases",
"format" : "maven2",
"checksum" : {
"sha1" : "85bf1c138ea66a7a1952d5917991a20e3cffcffc",
"md5" : "15f044398cb591092dc42c98143dd221"
}, {
Get a component using the download URL and saving the output locally:
curl -u admin:pAsSwordHeRe -X GET '' --output cbaSpark-1.0.2.jar
Uploading to Nexus from commandline:
curl -v -u admin:pAsSwordHeRe --upload-file cbaWorkflow-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm
image2020-4-27_20-6-24.png (image/png)
image2020-4-27_20-5-28.png (image/png)
image2020-4-27_20-4-14.png (image/png)
image2020-4-27_20-3-32.png (image/png)
image2020-4-27_20-2-46.png (image/png)
image2020-4-27_20-1-0.png (image/png)